Digital Signature Services

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The ultimate solution for all your PDF editing and eSignature needs

Get the tools you need for complete digital document management.
Robust PDF editor
Rewrite the content in your existing documents or create new PDFs from scratch.
Digital Signature Services
Stop printing documents and chasing down wet-ink signatures — benefit from Digital Signature Services built in the editor.
Secure cloud storage
Store and manage your documents in a secure cloud-based environment.

Compare our PDF solution with other editing software

This chart represents a partial list of features available in pdfFiller, Adobe and DocuSign Digital Signature Services Adobe DocuSign
Sending documents for eSignature
Bulk invitation to sign
Editing before sending
Reusable templates creation
Personalized branding
Sending invitation via link
In-person signing
Signature forwarding allowance
Online chat
Advanced threat protection
Invite expiration management
Forget about document hassles with a powerful PDF and eSignature solution
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The unrivaled solution for any eSignature task: Digital Signature Services

Questions & answers

Digital signature or standard electronic signature is actually a coded, encrypted, legally binding digital footprint. The digital signature is made of unique encoded messages 14 one for each signee 14 that join together to make a complete, legally binding, standard electronically signed document.
In simple terms, electronic signatures are legally recognized as a viable method to indicate agreement to a contract. For an electronic signature to be legally binding under the ESIGN Act, it is recommended that all electronic signature workflows include: Intent to sign.
The U.S. Code defines an electronic signature for the purpose of US law as "an electronic sound, symbol, or process, attached to or logically associated with a contract or other record and executed or adopted by a person with the intent to sign the record."
Sign PDF File and electronic signature law. Electronic documents and signatures are legally binding for nearly every business or personal transaction around the world. Sign PDF File 's world-class security practices and anytime, intuitive user experience makes obtaining legally-binding electronic signatures easy and convenient.
Click the link. Your document should open in an electronic signature tool such as Sign PDF File .nAgree to electronic signing. nClick each tag and follow the instructions to add your digital signature.nVerify your identity and follow the instructions to add your digital signature.
Electronic signatures provide a quick and secure method to sign documents. With this act, electronic signatures became legal in every U.S. state and territory where federal law applies. Most states adopted the Uniform Electronic Transactions Act (UETA) for situations where the federal law does not apply.
Simply put, yes, digital signatures are valid and enforceable. As long as certain requirements are met, they have the same legal effect as their written equivalents. Like a traditionally signed contract, one of the most important elements of validity is the signing party's intent to be bound.
Otherwise, it is widely recognized that electronic signatures do hold up in court.
Electronic signatures and legality in the United States, United Kingdom, and European Union. Electronic signatures are legally binding for nearly every business or personal transaction in the United States and around the world.
Sign up for a free trial at Sign PDF File , and then log in.nSelect New Sign a Document, and then upload the electronic document.nSelect Sign and then follow the steps to electronically sign your document.

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